If only I had wings so I can fly
I wanna be with you for all of time
My love for you will never die
If only you could here me shout your name
If only feel my love again
The stars in the sky will never be the same
If only you were here

My life, My Story

Sunday, February 15, 2015

im back

hi im back

Saturday, March 9, 2013

 I know every girl dream for their ideal guy. Commonly, girls dream for a sweet, caring,handsome, protective  and definitely we can say  almost a perfect guy. Every girl wants to be with someone who can take every risk with them , who can give her happiness, who can give love , someone who can treat her right,  someone who can make her complete and definitely someone who is afraid to lose you...

If you would ask me , what type of Guy I've fallen with, he is totally different above all. He may not be sweet person, he may show  how he cares about me, but just every seconds of being with him, I  always felt  the Love that everyone wanted to feel. Being loved in return by the person we love is already more than just enough.  Having a guy, whose heart is just only for you and who loves you seriously cannot be compared to all those things I've mention above . I know there are a lot of guy in this world who can be sweet, who can be caring , who can give me all the things I want, but for me I could never ask for more. Nothing else I'm longing for except for his love.

For about 1 year and 6 months of being together there are ups and downs, misunderstanding, jealousy, and even many times of breakups. I know I'm always the one who makes mistakes. But he always understands me despite of the  kind of attitude I've shown him. It is just sad when there's a point when I really wanted to give up because I cannot bear all the pain . I cant take all those things he said  to when he is angry.  But then whatever words he may say but  when I come to think of those happy times we had  been together, it just made me fall back again which give me strength to still hold on despite of the pain i've suffered from him all the time. I know he's not  the kind of guy that I always dream of, but now for me, I am already contented for who he is. He may be insensitive, hard-hearted at times, but I do still love him and I dont why. Maybe love is just like that, no matter how cruel a person is, if you want them, you will dont mind the things he did even he already hurt you for how many times already.

Relationship can never be perfect. We   might attempt to find a perfect person for us, but then when it comes to love, nothing is perfect if only we've learn to see a imperfect person perfectly.  It's never too late to go back and fix things that didn't work out as planned. All of us make mistakes and we hurt the people we love. It is possible to fix it. It won't be easy of course, but if you care enough about someone, you'll go around the world and back, just to make things work.

 I've learned that no matter what, people always come running back to you and no matter how many times they screwed up, you're willing to take them back because the memories you had were more than amazing.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

I love the way you intertwine your fingers in mine. The way each gap of my fingers is filled with yours as if the entire world belongs to me at the single moment. The way you hold my hand feels like I'm the happiest girl ever. As if nothing can ever come between us as long as your hand and mine are interlinked with each other. I hope this moment will last. I hope our story will not end. As long as you're holding my hand and I'm holding yours, I'll be yours and you'll be mine.

Since the day I have met him, I was wondering how long we will lasts. For how many break ups we had, I thought it would be our last time to be together. Since September 2011, the month where we are officially together. We have faced a lot of trials and challenges that even me, Im falling down and wanted to give up. What hurt is that, we have no freedom in our relationship. I tried to keep it as a secret for as I know my parents wouldnt allow me to have a boyfriend. But because I really fall for him, I fight for him. I fight for our relationship. We tried to go on. Though its like the world is against us. But it didnt hindered us to keep our relationship going. I have been caught twice and I got scolded by my mom. I see tears flowing in my mother's eyes while she keep telling be the things I've done wrong. She keep giving me advice and she encourage me to wake up. She said its not the right time to me to have one. As she see me as a-not-matured-teenager. Yes. I know I've made mistakes. I've done things that not supposed to be doing. I've been doing things that is not right. But tell me? How can I stop myself from falling? I may be young but I assure myself that my love for him is true. I have been in a relationship with him for 1 year and 3 months. I do really love him. I dont want to see him suffering as he knew my family doesnt like him. I am torn between two. To let go? or to Hold on? If I let him go, he wouldnt be suffer anymore from the things he hear from my side. But if we keep this going, we will be test by the challenge.  But guyz you know, we never give up. I've learned that maybe not all things should come from the heart, it should be also together with our mind. But how can you supposed do the things your mind tells you but your heart stops you from doing it. I always say but my actions betrayed me. Now our relationship still going even though they think we are not together anymore. I just wanted to prove that, no matter what risk are we going to take, this love will keep on fighting. 

For how many months have passed, im back for making this blog alive again. Thanks for the people out there who left their comments and visited this site.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

What I have learned in life?
Love but leave something for yourself.
Fight but learn to let go.
Cry but try to move on.
And most all don’t over use your heart in loving someone.
Sometimes we need to use our brain to stop the pain.”
“Never court a girl if you can’t love her until all tomorrows end. Never go into a relationship if you can’t handle the strongest storm and the tightest schedule.
Girls are not toys. Love is not a game. If you can’t stand a woman’s moodiness and woman’s questions, don’t court one. Never blame a girl for loving you too much. Because in case you forgot, “Who courted?”.”
“If only someone could show me the kind of care I’ve been wishing for…
If only someone could give me the kind of sweetness I’ve been hoping for…
If only someone could give me the kind of LOVE I’ve been praying for…
Then maybe, just maybe, I’ll finally allow myself to fall in love completely.”
“Usually, the person with more smiles…is the person with more heart aches.”
Let think about these:
Every relationship has its own damn end, except only for one.
Now, think of an acronym with the initials ILY.
And you’d come up to a result
-“I Love You.”
It is ironic right? But it’s true.
Love your family as they loved you.
“The simplest way to deal your love is to let your heart be free to feel what it wants to feel.”
Hey Guyz im back!
It has been so long since the last time I updated my Blog.
Well I have been busy because of my studies that is why I am not able to update for the past few months.

Friday, May 13, 2011

First love never dies

When I was far away, that time when I broke up with him, I didnt feel anything. It didnt affect me that much. I never bother if it hurts him so much or not. I just broke up with him for no valid reasons.Now it was like everything was thrown back to me. You let go the person you love, and that person has finally had moved on. What hurt the most is, knowing that he has someone in his heart right now. Now I know how it feels seeing someone you used to love, love someone else instead. Everytime I hear my friends saying " oh shayne dont regret, you are the one who let go of him"..I tried to pretend not to be affected, but my action already betrayed me. It really hurts me to the core. I went back home, switched on the comp, log on in twitter and I tweet " dont cry shayne..dont cry='(" when actually my eyes is already in tears. Thanks to all my friends who are always there to cheer me up! One of my friend gave me an advice. She said " there are someone better than him" And yes maybe it happened for a reason. Maybe he is really not meant for me. He is not yet my Mr. Right that im looking for. I am still young and there are still many people out there to meet. I know this feelings of mine will be gone when I go back to my country. But so far when I am still here in this place, I just cant avoid and hide this feelings that is stuck ."First love never Dies".

"First dates are awkward, first kisses are heavenly, first love is irreplaceable, and first heartbreaks are unforgettable."

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

I was speechless after seeing that person unexpectedly. Are we really destined to see each other exactly at the same place and time? Past memories was flashing back on my mind lately. But what to do? It seems so awkward to talk to him and too late for me because he went off.
I am so confused about my feelings.
After having a relationship with another guy again and broke up after one month...
it seems I have easily moved on as I went to another country where from there
I have had so many crushes.hahaz .haiz...

"I wish I could forget all the things that's ever happened between us. Yeah I wish :|"

Sunday, March 27, 2011

okay his name is XXXXXX =p
the person whom I
loved haha! :))
But suddenly we broke up for several reason..
One of it was because I have realized that it is not yet
the time.
We must hurt in order to grow,fall in love in order
to know and lose in order to gain.
Because some lessons in life,are best learned through pain.

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